Want to save a life? Become a Facilitator Today!
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Want to save a life? Become a Facilitator Today!

Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® “Train the Trainer” NEW Facilitators Training Want to make a difference and save children’s lives? Fill out an application today! The Courage to Speak® Foundation is offering a training opportunity for new facilitators to teach Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®. The training is for individuals who…

We Save Lives Partners with The Courage to Speak Foundation
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We Save Lives Partners with The Courage to Speak Foundation

We Save Lives Partners with The Courage to Speak Foundation The Courage to Speak Foundation is now proudly partnered with We Save Lives, a new organization that was founded by Candace Lightner, the founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Ginger Katz has known Candace since they worked together on Families Changing America. Ginger is honored…

A Great Read: Sunny’s Story
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A Great Read: Sunny’s Story

Looking for a great read? Sunny’s Story! A great read, Sunny’s Story is a drug prevention story for children, adolescents, teenagers, parents, grandparents, and teachers. Written by Courage to Speak ®Foundation CEO and Founder, Ginger Katz, this is a true story about her son, Ian James Eaccarino, who fell victim to drug addiction. Sunny’s Story is narrated through the eyes,…