Ginger and Larry Katz Welcome You to Our Blog About Teen Drug Prevention!
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Ginger and Larry Katz Welcome You to Our Blog About Teen Drug Prevention!

Here is a overview of what our teen drug prevention blog will have to offer. There will be a variation of different ideas, tips, and stories, all pertaining to youth substance use and drug prevention education. My goal is to use this new outlet to connect to youth, parents, teachers and our other supporters. What…

In Memory of Ian James Eaccarino
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In Memory of Ian James Eaccarino

This blog is dedicated in Memory of Ian. No more families should have to experience this devastating tragedy. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) drug-related deaths have more than doubled since the early 1980s. There are more deaths, illness, and disabilities from substance abuse than from any other preventable health condition. Today,…

How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Drug-Free
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How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Drug-Free

Summer break is approaching before we know it and to teens this means no homework, more free time, and less adult supervision. Most parents cannot afford to or have the flexibility to take a vacation from work during this time. Unfortunately, many teens will use their unsupervised freedom to experiment with drugs and alcohol. Did…