How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Drug-Free
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How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Drug-Free

Summer break is approaching before we know it and to teens this means no homework, more free time, and less adult supervision. Most parents cannot afford to or have the flexibility to take a vacation from work during this time. Unfortunately, many teens will use their unsupervised freedom to experiment with drugs and alcohol. Did…

Dangers of Drinking on Prom Night
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Dangers of Drinking on Prom Night

Underage Drinking on Prom Night Associated with Drunk Driving Fatalities Prom is supposed to be a night to remember, but unfortunately for many high school students, the result is a tragic night they don’t ever want to remember. Senior prom comes close to graduation; it is a time when high school students are beginning to feel a sense of…

Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week
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Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week

Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise During Finals It’s that time of the year again, the excitement of the semester ending, followed by the familiar anxiety and stress-provoking week, known to college students as “Finals.” Final exams have a significant effect on a student’s course grade for the semester. These grades can affect the…