What’s in Your Medicine Chest?
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What’s in Your Medicine Chest?

What’s in Your Medicine Chest? Opiate Medications: The Goods, Bads, and the Very Very Uglies By Jeffrey Deitz, MD Opiate medications are among the oldest and most commonly prescribed drugs in the medical pharmacopeia. They are also among the most rapidly addicting and most lethal. Whereas untreated acetaminophen overdose kills in days from liver failure,…

Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week
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Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week

Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise During Finals It’s that time of the year again, the excitement of the semester ending, followed by the familiar anxiety and stress-provoking week, known to college students as “Finals.” Final exams have a significant effect on a student’s course grade for the semester. These grades can affect the…

Want to save a life? Become a Facilitator Today!
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Want to save a life? Become a Facilitator Today!

Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101® “Train the Trainer” NEW Facilitators Training Want to make a difference and save children’s lives? Fill out an application today! The Courage to Speak® Foundation is offering a training opportunity for new facilitators to teach Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®. The training is for individuals who…