Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week
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Prescription Drug Abuse on Campus-Finals Week

Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise During Finals It’s that time of the year again, the excitement of the semester ending, followed by the familiar anxiety and stress-provoking week, known to college students as “Finals.” Final exams have a significant effect on a student’s course grade for the semester. These grades can affect the…

Addiction – Drugs Don’t Discriminate™
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Addiction – Drugs Don’t Discriminate™

Addiction – Drugs Don’t Discriminate™ Written by Ginger Katz | On September 10, 1996, I lost my 20-year-old son, Ian, to a drug overdose just before he was going into a rehabilitation program the next day. Ian had used marijuana, tobacco and other drugs in high school. At one point he was picked up by an officer at…