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Drug Prevention Book – Sunny’s Story

A Drug Prevention Book for Families and Educators

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Sunny’s Story is a compelling drug prevention book about substance abuse and the journey of a boy named Ian who struggles with addiction. Sunny’s Story is narrated through the eyes, ears and mind of Sunny, the family beagle and beloved friend to Ian. This drug prevention book takes you through the ups and downs of life, Ian’s decisions and how they affected the people close to him and how a dog sadly lost his best friend to drugs. Sunny’s Story was written by Ginger Katz, CEO and Founder of The Courage to Speak foundation, a mother who lost her son Ian to a drug overdose. This drug prevention book helps families talk openly about the dangers of drugs.

Drug addiction is this biggest threat to the youth in our country. Every day the disease of drug addiction is claiming the lives of our children and leaving families devastated. “Ninety percent of poisoning deaths in the United States are due to drugs, the federal government reported Tuesday. Drug poisoning deaths now outnumber traffic deaths as the leading cause of injury death in the country”. (LA Times)

This drug prevention book has been purchased by many people in over 40 states and is read at dinner tables with young children, adolescents, parents and grandparents. It is part of the Courage to Speak® Foundation Drug Prevention Curriculum taught by educators in elementary, middle and high schools and is a standalone book for elementary, middle and high school students and parents to aid in the mission to save young lives from drugs.

To order Sunny’s Story the drug prevention book go to: https://www.sunnystory.com/shop/ or you can also call 203-831-9700.

For more information on The Drug Prevention Book visit the Sunny Story website at: https://www.sunnystory.com/

For more information about The Courage to Speak foundation visit the website at: https://couragetospeak.org/

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