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Drug Prevention Event – The Courage to Speak Empowering Youth To Be Drug-free Family Night

Students Speak Out!

The drug prevention event bring students, parents, educators, school and government officials, business and community leaders together to affirm their commitment to keep our children safe from drugs and other risky behaviors.

Ginger Katz with the students who participated in the Courage to Speak Drug Prevention Curriculum 12 lesson program

This exciting drug prevention event will spotlight the outstanding work and words of students who participate in the Courage to Speak Foundation’s programs/curricula in their schools taught by the health class teachers. Norwalk’s Mayor Richard Moccia, Chief of Police Thomas Kulhawik and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Manuel Rivera will introduce the students who take the microphone and speak out with their vows not to use drugs. State Representative Lawrence F. Cafero, Jr. will serve as Master of Ceremonies.

On display will be the remarkable artwork created by the students during their drug prevention classes with their teachers. Highlights of the event include the students’ readings of their drug prevention messages and the Courage to Speak® Presentation for parents and students by Ginger Katz, CEO & Founder of the Courage to Speak® Foundation. The evening includes presentation of The Courage to Speak® Community Leadership Awards and the Courage to Speak Volunteer Awards.
Drug Prevention Event – Courage to Speak Family Night Volunteers
(Call to Volunteer)

“Bringing students and parents together to talk openly and honestly about the dangers of drugs is the most important goal of Family Night,” stated Ms. Katz. “By helping our students become outstanding anti-drug advocates and mentors for their friends and younger siblings, we hope to eradicate the problem of drug and alcohol use among young people in CT and across the country.

For more information about the event, to become a sponsor and volunteer, visit www.couragetospeak.org or email Ginger Katz at gkatz@couragetospeak.org

About The Courage to Speak® Foundation:
The Courage To Speak® Foundation, Inc. exists to save lives by empowering youth to be drug free through fostering education and open communication about the dangers of alcohol and other drug use. Ginger Katz founded the nonprofit organization in 1996, just months after her 20 year old son Ian James Eaccarino died of an accidental drug overdose. She and her husband Larry pledged to do everything in their power to help prevent such a tragedy from happening to another family. The Courage To Speak Foundation develops drug prevention curriculum for elementary (based on Sunny’s Story), middle and high school students as well as for parents through Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101. Ms. Katz has given nearly 1,000 presentations to over a million young people and the adults who care about them. Please visit http://www.couragetospeak.org/

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